Welcome Milan High School Families
Senior Portrait Information
Senior Portraits take place at our studio in Humboldt, Tennessee. Our studio is located in downtown Humboldt at the corner of Central Avenue and Main Street. Our building is directly across the street from Bancorp South and catty-corner from the movie theater in Humboldt.
Senior portraits at the studio need to be completed by the beginning of school. Our standard session includes a formal in Tux or drape, a cap and gown sitting, an indoor session in one outfit and an outdoor session in another casual outfit.
The session fee for a standard session is $60. Milan students can receive a $10 discount on their standard session by using the coupon code: MHS20. There are additional types of sessions explained in the Senior Session Information sheet below.
Click here For Senior Session Information
Senior portraits at the studio need to be completed by the beginning of school.
To Schedule your portrait session, please go to our senior portrait scheduling page here.
Click here for Portrait Guides for Your Best Portraits: